
6 effective yoga poses for beginners



Tadasana – Mountain pose

Virabhadrasana II – Warrior II pose

Uttanasana – Standing forward fold pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward-facing dog pose

Utthita Balasana – Extended child’s pose

Bitilasana – Cat/cow pose


There are many easy and effective asanas or poses a first-timer can do but it is important to remember, as a beginner, that all poses take time to master. Mastering yoga takes daily practice and dedication and with time, you will notice the results, whether it be better balance, better posture, heightened concentration or overall muscle strength. Before practicing yoga, take note of what your body is telling you. If you have overextended any muscle and are battling with pain, avoid using that specific muscle until it has completely healed.


Standing poses


Tadasana – Mountain pose

This is a good starting point to grow the necessary strength needed to perform more advanced poses and it can help with correcting the curvature of the spine which is a great benefit on its own. The pose also teaches you to relax your shoulders when standing up straight, improving your overall posture. It also grows the strength and balance in your legs which is especially beneficial for people who need to stand for long periods of time as it provides them with more stability.


Virabhadrasana II – Warrior II pose

This variation of Warrior II is a great way to build your balance, leg, arm and core strength. In yoga, your balance is dependent on your core strength and vice versa and by training even the slightest muscles in your abdominal region, you will notice a difference in your daily posture.


Uttanasana – Standing forward fold pose

The standing forward fold is the best way to promote circulation and blood flow to the brain because of the way your torso hangs over your legs. It is also a beneficial pose to stretch out your hamstrings, upper and lower back muscles and by performing the forward fold, it is helpful with shoulders that experience a lot of desk-time in the workplace. It is important to remember that you don’t need to reach the floor on your first few tries and you need to avoid forcing your back if your muscles are not ready yet.


Floor poses


Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward-facing dog pose

Although this asana requires you to use all your muscles, it’s actually one of the many resting poses and it revitalises and stretches your body out at the same time. If you are facing shoulder tension, this pose is a good way to relieve the tightness and pain and simultaneously builds shoulder and arm strength. This specific move can be done on a daily basis and it is used in most sequences.


Utthita Balasana – Extended child’s pose

This variation of child’s pose is a must-do for relaxation and stretching. It is a restorative pose for your back and a good way to stretch the hips and thighs out, as well as the shoulders. When using this as a relaxation pose, it allows you to focus on your breathing and concentration by resting the forehead on the floor. Concentration plays an important role with yoga because of how many aspects you must be aware of, such as balance, form and breathing.


Bitilasana – Cat/cow pose

Although this pose isn’t a static one, it is probably one of the most effective and easiest yoga moves for beginners. The asana is a good warm-up for the spine and simultaneously gives the back and core muscles a slight, yet effective workout and stretch. Cat/cow also allows relief in your back especially if your body is prone to slouching.


It is important to remember that form is the most essential part of any asana and should be performed perfectly before heading into the intermediate poses or the intermediate variation of the poses. The best practice for yoga is to do a sequence of poses instead of performing singular ones, as all poses have various benefits and work different muscles. Yoga is a form of exercise that shouldn’t be rushed or forced and it’s best to practice at your own pace.


At our Body Action Gym yoga studio, we have experienced instructors that can guide you with your yoga journey. You can join the weekly classes to improve your practice and lifestyle.